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Summation LG, LG
Gold and iBlaze Classes
Basic Training
Basic training is for all users who are brand new to
Summation and need a broad understanding of the three most crucial
(typically) aspects to the program. Since this training is usually a
day-long training, I offer shorter classes for those wanting a refresher.
End-user Advanced Modules
Each of these end-user training modules are individual
classes for very specific functions accomplished within Summation. You must
either take the Basic Training class as a prerequisite, or establish your
Administrative Modules
Each of these administrative are also individual classes
for those needing how to support Summation.
Summation for Attorneys
While I tend to customize almost every training, due to
the vast functionality of Summation, here is one of the attorney-only
offerings I tend to conduct a lot. It is conducted over 2 hours or 4 hours
(my preference).
Transcripts Basics
Database Basics