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Why Hire Bob Meyers for Summation Training?
Top 10 Reasons to Hire Bob Meyers for Summation
Training, Consulting or Technical Support:
- Focused on training
Summation iBlaze, not training as a segue to trial support or case management
- 18+ years working with Summation software, with 16+ years
training Summation software
- Worked with and support all versions of Summation,
starting with Summation DOS
- Cross-disciplined in all software that works with
Summation, such as TrialDirector, CaseMap and Sanction, as well as competing
- Train, consult and provide technical support to all forms
of litigators, to include law firms, corporate law departments and
government agencies (local, state and federal)
- Train all categories of persons involved in the practice
of law, to include attorneys, paralegals, legal secretaries, practice
support and IT.
- Train and support service bureau personnel and provide
overflow training for other former Summation Certified Trainers
- Trained users on behalf of Summation Corp. and CT
- Provided training sessions for national and local
organizational conferences, such as the Master's Conference, National
Federation of Paralegal Associations Conference and the Paralegal Resource
- Help law firms vet candidates for hire on their knowledge
of Summation